Hello my name is Jens. I'm a 22 year old programmer based in Copenhagen Denmark. I'm interested in learning different technologies that create value for users.
I have made a couple of websites with HTML, CSS and javascript. I have also tried analyzing and organizing datasets with SQL and made applications in C#.
I like to learn different things so I have dabbled a little in power BI to try and visualize SQL data. I have also tried using blender a little to try out 3D modelling
(a parody club site)
(Microsoft Power Bi)
(SQL and markdown)
Press/click images below to go to corresponding sites
Description: This project was an attempt to make a fictional camera website
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, VS code text editor, github and github pages.
Description: This project was an attempt to try and visualize an SQL dataset and make it interactive.
Technologies used: Microsoft Power Bi and SQL.
Description: This was an attempt to teach other people about a coding concept and work in a public repository with other people.
Technologies used: SQL, GitHub, Markdown, VS code.
Link to markdown file: Click to go to markdown file